Dear Friend,
In 1964, James, a young tribal boy from a forest village in Jharkhand, travelled to Vellore, Tamilnadu. He joined the x-ray technician’s course and learned how to run an x-ray machine. He then spent his life working in a small hospital near his home in Hiranpur. For many years, he was the only x-ray technician in the entire district! Last month, James found out that he needed a prostate operation. But there was no specialist surgeon in Hiranpur.
Last month, James found out that he needed a prostate operation. But there was no specialist surgeon in Hiranpur. Fifty five years later, James started his second journey to Vellore. His endoscopic surgery was successfully done in CMC. Our Person-to-Person fund covered all the costs. Before setting out for home, James and his family sang a song of thanksgiving – “We have seen the love of god in the healing work at CMC!”
Friends like you make it possible to help patients like James. Donate to CMC today and help us bridge the gap!
Thank you for your support,
Mr. Hugh Skeil,
Development Office,
Christian Medical College Vellore